Servings: 4
Calories & Macros: 1197 kcal; Protein 111 g (39 %), Carbs 97 g (33 %), Fats 37 g (28 %) Prep Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 40 min

80 g Carrots
70 g Onion
2 Cloves Garlic
80 g Tomatoes
2 Tsp Dried Thyme
1.5 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tsp Salt
2 Tsp Ground Black Pepper
100 g Dried Green Lentils
600 mL Water
30 g Avocado
150 g Seitan
0.5 Tsp Ground Cumin
8 g Ginger Root
1 Small Chili
25 g Rye Bread
10 Fresh Curry Leaves
70 g Vegan Protein Powder
In a pot, add water and heat the water to boiling point. The amount of water in the pot should be around 3 times the volume of the lentils to be used.
Add about half of all the salt to the water.
The carrots (unpeeled), scallions, tomato, onion, garlic are cut into small pieces. Save a small portion of the tomato, onion and garlic to later fry with the seitan.
The previously added water should be boiling by now. Add rinsed lentils to the boiling water and stir from time to time.
In another pot, add olive oil and turn on medium/high heat.
Shortly fry the onion, garlic and tomato before adding the carrots, scallions, dried curry leaves and thyme which are to be fried as well. Save a little portion of the unfried curry leaves for the later frying of seitan.
The Lentils are ready when tender, i.e. it is possible to press the lentil flat with your fingers. When the lentils are tender, add them together with the water in the other pot containing the fried ingredients. Stir from time to time.
The mixture is boiled for 5 min under a lid.
Season with salt & pepper. Save a little of the salt & pepper for the seitan frying.
Seitan Dish
Cut the seitan into smaller pieces.
Chop the chili into smaller pieces and cut/crush the ginger root very finely.
Panfry the seitan in the rest of the olive oil.
While frying, add the chili, ground cumin, and the rest of the salt & pepper.
Fry till the seitan is a bit soft.
Add the ginger and the rest of the onion, garlic, curry leaves and tomato.
Keep frying until the seitan is semi-dry.
Avocado-Seitan bread
On a slice of rye bread, add avocado and the prepared seitan. Eat together with soup.
Try sprinkling a little pepper on the avocado to give it a kick.
Bon appétit.